Mark Coonrippy Brown

Age: 55

Occupation: self employed

Residence: Gallatin

Years lived in Sumner County: 55 years

Family: divorced, two kids

Education: high school

Previous Public Office Experience: N/A

Church or Civic Involvement: First Babtist/Nazerene Churches in Gallatin

Achievements: NRA Certified Instructor, Federally Licensed Firearms Dealer, Licensed Electrician, Letter of Clearance from U.S. Department of Justice

What is the biggest challenge facing the office you are seeking, and how would you address it?

The biggest challenge is to seek out those who currently hold positions throughout the state that are not beneficial to the taxpayer, and remove or reposition them to make better use of taxpayer dollars.

Why should voters choose you?

I have a get things done attitude, and will not let politics stand in the way of doing what is right for Tennessee.